Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saying See You Later to Toronto - Debunking the Cliche of the No Regrets Lifestyle

Everyone likes to say they live life with no regrets.  I used to be one of them, but, frankly speaking, I only mean it about 80% of the time.  I think this is still a pretty decent rate though! As mentioned in the previous post, I made some decisions to go to Japan in a certain way, and executed much of the preparation in a relatively short period of time. 

I left Toronto with the following regrets.  Some of these are touristy, some serious.

  1. I never went to the CN Tower.  This was the one touristy thing I never did.  Mainly, I wanted to do the CN Tower because I wanted to do the Edgewalk.  Being from the prairies, I have never been in a building that is very tall.  I have also never been skydiving, bunjee jumping, nor have I really challenged myself in terms of heights.
  2. I never went to a Blue Jays, Leafs, Argos, or lacrosse game.
  3. I never got a chance to learn how to figure skate at the Cricket Club.  Due to my school schedule, I never did any of the adult learn to skate classes I really wanted to.  However, I did buy a pair of skates that fit properly and went to the public rinks a few times.
  4. I didn’t visit the Royal Ontario Museum.  Not once in the two years I lived in Toronto.  I’m kind of ashamed of this.
  5. I did not get the chance to hang out with many of my friends that lived in the area as often as I would have liked.  I know that it was a busy time in my life, but I still regret it.
  6. I never spent a full day in Niagara Falls.
  7. Being so close to Pittsburgh, I never took the opportunity to visit nearly as much as I should.  Moreover, I really wanted to visit before I left the continent, but just didn’t have the time.
  8. I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to many people in the way I would have liked.
  9. I didn’t explore Toronto’s walking/riding trails as well as I wanted to.
  10. I didn’t explore as many different neighbourhoods as I wanted to.  Little Italy, I’m looking at you!
  11. I’ll be honest…I did not experience the musical growth I wanted to achieve when I went to Humber.  More on this in another post.  I do not regret going to Humber, but I wish I had planned the experience better.
  12. Overall, I did some cool and productive things in Toronto.  But in general I felt spread a bit thin, especially towards the end.  I do want to give living in Toronto a second chance someday, and hopefully rectify this list!

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